Lunch Menu Changes for February 16-18: Tues: Pizza Quesadilla Wed: Grilled Cheese. Thurs: Chili Cheese Fritos.
almost 4 years ago, Wray Eagles
This is a message from the Superintendent of Wray School District. Due to extreme cold weather temperatures in the morning, we will have a late start tomorrow. School will be delayed by 2 hours. For example: If the bus stops at 7:15, you would be picked up at 9:15. If you usually drop your students off at 7:45, please drop them off at 9:45. Morning preschool will be cancelled and no breakfast will be served. School will begin at 10, please exercise caution in arriving. Our ultimate goal is for our students to arrive safe and warm.
almost 4 years ago, Wray Eagles
Este es un mensaje del Superintendente del Distrito Escolar de Wray. Debido a las temperaturas extremadamente frías de la mañana, comenzaremos tarde mañana. La escuela se retrasará 2 horas. Por ejemplo: si el autobús se detiene a las 7:15, lo recogerán a las 9:15. Si normalmente deja a sus estudiantes a las 7:45, por favor déjelos a las 9:45. Se cancelará el preescolar del turno de la mañana y no se servirá desayuno. La escuela comenzará a las 10, tenga cuidado al llegar. Nuestro objetivo final es que nuestros estudiantes lleguen sanos y salvos.
almost 4 years ago, Wray Eagles
2/14/21 Este mensaje es del superintendente del distrito escolar de Wray. Debido a condiciones climáticas adversas, todas las actividades del distrito escolar han sido canceladas para mañana 2/15/21. Todas las escuelas estarán cerradas, incluida la Oficina del Distrito. Por favor tenga cuidado.
almost 4 years ago, Wray Eagles
2/14/21 This message is from the Wray School District Superintendent. Due to adverse weather conditions all activities for the school district have been canceled for tomorrow 2/15/21. All schools will be closed, including the District Office. Please be careful.
almost 4 years ago, Wray Eagles
Next Week at Wray Schools/ La Proxima Semana en Wray Schools
almost 4 years ago, Wray Eagles
Week of Feb 8-13
Schedule for the Haxtun Basketball games tonight. 3/4 JV Girls 4:00 pm 3/4 JV Boys 5:15 pm Varsity Girls 6: 45 pm Varsity Boys 8:15 pm
almost 4 years ago, Wray Eagles
Parents please check your email for an Important Update on school procedures. Thank you! ____________________ Padres, por favor revisen su correo electrónico para obtener una actualización importante sobre los procedimientos escolares. ¡Gracias!
almost 4 years ago, Wray Eagles
Please see the schedule below for Junior High and High School Sports for season B, C, and D. _____________________ Consulte el calendario a continuación para los deportes de Junior High y High School para las temporadas B, C y D.
almost 4 years ago, Wray Eagles
HS Schedule
JH Schedule
Here is where you can tune in to watch the Wray Junior High girls take on Brush! Game starts at 4:00pm. Teams will play in C, B and A team order. Go Eagles!
almost 4 years ago, Kinsey Talbert
Special thanks to Troop #80332 for the Girl Scout Cookies for our staff! We appreciate you! ______________________ ¡Un agradecimiento especial a la Tropa # 80332 por las galletas Girl Scout para nuestro personal! ¡Te apreciamos!
almost 4 years ago, Wray Eagles
Girl Scout Cookies!
Next Week at Wray Schools/ La proxima Semana en Wray Schools
almost 4 years ago, Wray Eagles
Athletic Schedule
Horario de los juegos de basketball en Akron JV Girls: 3 cuartos de 8 minutos 4:00 pm JV Boys: 3 cuartos de 8 minutos 5:00 pm Varsity Girls: 6:15 pm Varsity Boys: 7:30 Todos los horarios de inicio después del juego de JV Girls son aproximados.
almost 4 years ago, Wray Eagles
Schedule for Basketball games at Akron JV Girls: 3- 8 Minute Quarters 4:00 pm JV Boys 3- 8 Minute Quarters 5:00 pm Varsity Girls: 6:15 pm Varsity Boys: 7:30 All start times after the JV Girls game are approximate.
almost 4 years ago, Wray Eagles
Be sure to tune into our stream of the McCook wrestling duels. Coverage of our Wrestlers can be found on the Wray Athletics Facebook page. Jr. High Girls Basketball vs Burlington will be streamed today on the WJSHS Secondary Gym Streaming page. That coverage will begin at 4:00 pm. _________________ Asegúrese de sintonizar nuestra transmisión de los duelos de lucha de McCook. La cobertura de nuestros luchadores se puede encontrar en la página de Facebook de Wray Athletics. Jr. High Girls Basketball vs Burlington se transmitirá hoy en la página de transmisión del gimnasio secundario de WJSHS. Esa cobertura comenzará a las 4:00 pm.
almost 4 years ago, Wray Eagles
Are you looking for a gift for your favorite senior? Order yours today!! ___________________________ ¿Estás buscando un regalo para tu senior favorito? ¡Pide el tuyo hoy!
almost 4 years ago, Wray Eagles
Wray Blanket !
This morning we received a gracious donation of disinfection equipment and supplies from Yuma County, the City of Wray, the City of Yuma, and the Town of Eckley through Federal CARES Act dollars allocated to our community! These disinfectant devices will help us keep up with the day-to-day demands of battling germs and staying in school! We appreciate The Yuma County COVID Task Force! Thank you! _________________ Esta mañana recibimos una generosa donación de equipo y suministros de desinfección del condado de Yuma, la ciudad de Wray, la ciudad de Yuma y la ciudad de Eckley a través de los dólares de la Ley Federal CARES asignados a nuestra comunidad. ¡Estos dispositivos desinfectantes nos ayudarán a mantenernos al día con las demandas diarias de combatir los gérmenes y permanecer en la escuela! ¡Apreciamos al Grupo de Trabajo COVID del Condado de Yuma! ¡Gracias!
almost 4 years ago, Wray Eagles
Thank you !
Congratulations to Don Crow on being awarded the Colorado School Counselor Association Rhonda Williams Lifetime Achievement Award this last Thursday. It couldn't have been presented to a more deserving individual. Don has served and continues to serve the Wray community, Wray School District, the Northeast Colorado Counselors, the Colorado School Counselor Association and the Colorado Department of Education faithfully. In the presentation, he was described as being like the energizer bunny and willing to take on any challenge. Congratulations Don!
almost 4 years ago, Wray Eagles
Congrats Don!
Congrats Don!
1/26/21 Este mensaje es del superintendente del distrito escolar de Wray. Debido a condiciones climáticas adversas, todas las actividades del distrito escolar han sido canceladas para mañana 1/27/21. Todas las escuelas estarán cerradas, incluida la Oficina del Distrito. Por favor tenga cuidado.
almost 4 years ago, Wray Eagles
1/26/21 This message is from the Wray School District Superintendent. Due to adverse weather conditions all activities for the school district have been canceled for tomorrow 1/27/21. All schools will be closed, including the District Office. Please be careful.
almost 4 years ago, Wray Eagles