The Pink Out event will be held on Friday, October 18th. The Wray teams play Holyoke and we will recognize all Breast Cancer survivors and honor those that have lost their fight to this devastating disease. Join us beginning at 4pm for the volleyball games and football game to follow!
T-shirts are $20 and ready for pre-sale and we are accepting until Oct. 14th. Please respond to my email if you would like a shirt. These are incredibly SOFT shirts, I do have samples if you would like to check them out. A picture is also included below!
All proceeds are donated to the Wray Hospital to provide women free or low cost mammograms that need the financial assistance!
To order your shirt or if you are needing more information. email, or contact Jaelyn Adler at Wray High School!
Let’s TEAM up for a CURE!!!
Please SHARE with anyone and also any survivors you know!
Fire truck and author Gary Hogg
Camión de bomberos y autor Gary Hogg
Wray Elementary Student Council
Consejo de Estudiantes de Wray Elementary
Los autobuses tienen un retraso de 10 a 15 minutos debido a un viaje al huerto de calabazas. Gracias por su paciencia.
Buses are running 10-15 minutes behind schedule due to a trip to the pumpkin patch. Thank you for your patience.
Our club is now full. That being said, we will have another session in 6 weeks. All students that are members are going home with a yellow slip of paper! Those who didn’t will be sent home with a green note! We did the best we could with getting siblings in the same session. If you decide to pull your student and wait for the next session please let one of us know as soon as possible.
Nuestro club ahora está lleno. Dicho esto, tendremos otra sesión en 6 semanas. ¡Todos los estudiantes que son miembros se van a casa con un trozo de papel amarillo! ¡Los que no lo hicieron serán enviados a casa con una nota verde! Hicimos lo mejor que pudimos para conseguir hermanos en la misma sesión. Si decide retirar a su estudiante y esperar la próxima sesión, infórmenos lo antes posible.
Updated Wray Eagles Activities for week of Oct. 7-12. Actividades de Wray Eagles para la semana del 7 al 12 de octubre actualizadas.
See picture below for Dee Blecha's funeral and memorial arrangements. Due to the funeral, there will be no school on Friday, October 11th, but all activities will continue as planned.
Debido al funeral, no habrá clases el viernes 11 de octubre, pero todas las actividades continuarán según lo planeado.
Buchanan Middle School STEM students are designing and testing balloon powered cars to learn about Newton’s Third Law of motion, “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” Students will compete tomorrow to see which car travels the furthest!
Los estudiantes de STEM de la Escuela Secundaria Buchanan están diseñando y probando autos con globo para aprender sobre la Tercera Ley de movimiento de Newton: "Para cada acción, hay una reacción igual y opuesta". ¡Los estudiantes competirán mañana para ver qué auto viaja más lejos!
This is a family event to be held on October 10th. Pre-registration is required and due by October 3rd. It is open to all students grades K-4 and their parents. Este es un evento familiar que se llevará a cabo el 10 de octubre. Se requiere preinscripción y debe presentarse antes del 3 de octubre. Está abierto a todos los estudiantes de los grados K-4 y sus padres.
Recordatorio: a partir del viernes 4 de octubre, el resto de los juegos de futbol americano en casa comenzarán a las 6:00 p.m.
Informe al entrenador Kuntz si tiene alguna pregunta.
Reminder: Starting Friday October 4th, the remainder of the Home Football games will kickoff at 6:00 PM.
Let Coach Kuntz know if you have any questions.
Celebrating groundbreaking day at WES
Celebrando un día innovador en WES
ENTER FOR YOUR CHANCE TO WIN A....2013 JOHN DEERE RIDING LAWN MOWER! The mower as a rear bagger, 29" in turbo mower deck and ONLY 10 hours of use!
Thank you to 21st Century in Wray for your donation of the mower! All proceeds will be donated to the Wray FBLA Chapter, FFA Chapter and FCCLA Chapter to use for leadership development for our members!
Please comment here or contact the school for tickets, we can deliver to you OR attend a home football game to purchase your tickets! The tickets are $10 each and the lucky winning ticket will be drawn at the last home sporting event this semester on December 21st at Wrestling! Please share!
Wray BMS B Team played their hearts out bringing home a 3rd Place finish at this year's Northeast A/B Tournament. Congratulations Ladies!
El equipo B de BMS jugó con entusiasmo para llevar a casa un tercer puesto en el Torneo A/B del Noreste de este año. ¡Felicidades señoritas!
Remember that all are welcome to attend the ground-breaking ceremony at the WES/WHS schools tomorrow, Sept. 27, beginning at 11 AM with a BBQ to follow!
¡Recuerde que todos son bienvenidos a asistir a la ceremonia de inauguración en las escuelas WES/WHS mañana, 27 de septiembre, comenzando a las 11 AM con un picnic despues!
See attached picture for a map and agenda of tomorrow's ground-breaking ceremony and Homecoming festivities.
Vea la imagen adjunta para ver un mapa y la agenda de la ceremonia de inauguración de mañana y las festividades de bienvenida.
Este viernes, 27 de septiembre, los estudiantes de BMS asistirán a la ceremonia de inauguración y picnic en la high school. Los estudiantes y el personal viajarán en autobús a las 10:30 para la ceremonia de las 11:00, el almuerzo de las 11:30 y luego regresarán a BMS alrededor de las 12:30. A la 1:45 seguirán el desfile de Homecoming al centro del pueblo para asistir al Pep Rally. Los estudiantes regresarán a BMS después y viajarán en sus autobuses regulares al final del día.
This Friday, the 27th, BMS students will be attending the Ground Breaking Ceremony and BBQ at the High School. Students and staff will bus over at 10:30 for the 11:00 ceremony, 11:30 lunch, and then return to BMS around 12:30. At 1:45 they will follow the Homecoming Parade downtown to attend the Pep Rally. Students will return to BMS afterwards and will ride their regular buses at the end of the day.
Thank you
Due to injury and and illness our cross country scrimmage with Yuma today is cancelled. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Debido a heridas y enfermedades, nuestra juego de cross country con Yuma hoy esta cancela. Perdón por cualquier inconveniente.